Monday, January 24, 2011

Final Video(Emotion Expression)

Hye guys , all my video that i produce is non of it using adobe flash to make it, i just record and edit  and combine to make it abstract

This is my interactive application front page
I make the menu bar at the top because people read usually from the top
I am using dull color in my application because most of my video is about moody and scary
if i put bright color it will contrast with my subject .

Emotion: Fear
Music: Fear Music

Video Title:  Scared Place

Video Description:

This is the video about how the  emotion of fear or scare can be easily express in abstratct
to make it not too abstract I record all the  horro place around me then i compile it in a video.
The video that i show to you just now is the video that showing place that can make us scare and fell 
the real emotion of fear

Emotion : Angry
Music: Breaking Sound itself

Video Title: Throw your anger

Video Description:
This video is about how we can  people show their anger.As we know there have a lot of way to show 
your anger , one of it you scream loud as you want and second is you run until you tired, but my way in 
this video is different because i express my emotion of anger in throwinh something to the wall so 
people will hear and see what  i do not satisfied in.In this video i repeating many scene it is because
in anger we can  easily repeat our same anger at many time without we know so my video is showing 
that way.

Emotion : Sad
Music: Aizat Pergi

Video Title: Angel Eye Sad

Video Description:
This video is about grief or sad. Im choosing in recording a full body of a man .He was in moody at that
time.I try to get the feel of sad in his from his eye nose toe and also his hair.As you all could see  that 
im using a sad and emo song to make it connect to  the video.I make the video only black and white 
because when people see something in blakc and white condition it will make them feel sorry, bad., 
anything that can make people down.

Concept for for the Interactive Application

Hye, this is my  concept board for my Interactive Application Promotion
I have combine all the 3 picture in the video so I produce this concept board

Idea Development(concept design)

in the plastic that i submit

Idea Development(video)

Not taking picture it is in the plastic i submit

Monday, January 3, 2011

Precedent Studies: Motion grapher

Maximilian Zenk 

He is a freelance director / filmmaker.
He  love creative challenges and exploring new ways to visually tell stories. He very much into analog style and enhancing manual / handmade stuff with digital aid.

One thing that i like at him, the way he tell the story to the people in the simple way 

this is his website

Volksbank - Bankier-Kreativ-Beratung from Maximilian Zenk on Vimeo.

Matt Redman Promo from Maximilian Zenk on Vimeo

AEB EMCS Intro from Maximilian Zenk on Vimeo.

I have found a malaysian motion grapher , the company is motiofixo , one of the most powerfull company in mition graphic :D

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Precedent Studies:Digital Illustrator

Tiago Hoisel

Tiago Hoisel is a mad scientist reanimating cartoon characters into living beings, or perhaps he is capturing the souls of living beings and injecting them into cartoon molds? Either way he is certainly mad!

You may not know Tiago Hoisel’s name, but chances are, you’ve seen his work. Hoisel has an incredible ability to find the inner cartoon character in just about anyone – and even bring out the real person in cartoon characters. But these are far from sidewalk caricatures… the attention to detail is incredible. The Brazilian artist works primarily in Photoshop CS3.

some of his art work:

Digital Visual Artist

Tae young Choi

Tae young Choi, Game concept artist Tae reveals why he loves his job so much, the joy of smelly oils, and the legacy of the Da Vinci Code...

"I believe being a concept artist is the best job in the games industry." sys Tae young Choi. "I just get a few words from clients on what to do, and pretty much the rest of it is up to me how I visualise the ideas and make them come alive..."

Born in Korea, he grew up dreaming of becoming a comic book artist. With a degree in fine art, his work was exhibited in several galleries in Korea, and in 2000 he made a move to the US to study computer graphics-gaining another degree in the process. With such qualifications and a sheer enthusiasm for art, it wasn't long before he found a job in the games industry.

Tae's imagery fuses dystopian sci-fi and classical mysticism, but he's also capable of warm, lovingly crafted portraits beyond the laser fire and futuristic characters. Most of the time his images begin as sketches to gause ideas and composition. "Sometimes I start painting using a different method, but mostly I sketch on paper first," he says. These are scanned and painted digitally in Photoshop or Painter.

Like most artists, he's constantly inspired by many things around him, including other artists' work, MTV, classical art and so on - but he admits that films are his biggest creative inspiration. " I have a movie library somewhere in my brain and I can recall very specific scenes from movies," he laughs. " Whenever I need some inspiration, I pick up the movies form my collection."

Syd Mead, Akira Toriyama, Stephan Martiniere and Craig Mullins.

Those are some of his artwork:

The reasons why i choose him as my inspire artist it is because the way he try to convince  with his piece of artwork.As i could see every single artwork that he make look more realistic than other digital visual artist.:)